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Adaptive Customization

Advantage of Adaptive Customization

Olivia Prime is the only Social Security case management software offering adaptive customization. But what does this mean? It means that you can adapt your Olivia account to your service’s specific needs using existing tools or by requesting our advanced version.

Two Levels of Adaptive Customization

Disability Associates offers two adaptive customization packages.  These options are Olivia Basic and Olivia Prime.

Our basic software provides you a primary version of the Olivia software. The basic version will enable you to input and develop a disability claim.

However, if you would like our more advanced efficiency tools, we recommend Olivia Prime. An example of our most popular efficiency tool is the task alert system. The task alert system automatically notifies the Olivia user of all pending tasks by email and cell phone. The task alert system is like having a secretary built inside the software.

If you’d like to learn more about our exclusive Olivia adaptive customization tools, give us a call at 303-766-1111.

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